Thursday 12 September 2013
S.E.M. Ensemble and Dedalus Ensemble
A Concert Event by Dedalus & Friends:
Music by
John Lely, Tom Johnson, Luiz Henrique Yudo, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Antoine Beuger, Michael Pisaro
Performed by
Amélie Berson, flute
Cyprien Busolini, viola
Didier Aschour, guitar
& Friends Katie Porter, clarinet
Quentin Tolimieri, piano
Craig Shepard, trombone
Brad Henkel, trumpet
Pascal Niggenkemper, bass
Luis Ianes, guitar
Willow Place Auditorium
26 Willow Place
Brooklyn Heights
Admission by donation
A polished, proficient young new-music group from France, Dedalus Ensemble is known chiefly through its recordings of pieces by Tom Johnson, Jürg Frey, and Antoine Beuger. Dedalus made its U.S. debut at Roulette on September 9 with a program entitled "Made in the USA," with commissioned works by an array of young American composers.
(Steve Smith in The New York Times / Music)
Their second U.S. performance at the Willow Place Auditorium on September 16 will present music from Europe, performed in collaboration with New York musicians.
See online : On Dedalus, Steve Smith in The New York Times