Accueil du site > CRITICALSECRET_LES CARNETS MENSUELS_THE MONTHLY NOTEBOOKS > 2019 JOCELYNE SAAB an homage @ Carnet de janvier_Notebooks of (...)

2019 JOCELYNE SAAB an homage @ Carnet de janvier_Notebooks of January

Dernier ajout : 20 janvier 2019.

Jocelyne Saab was born on 30 April 1948 in Beirut. Early morning during the night of January 17 2019 she has passed away in Paris.

JPEG - 87 ko
Portrait de Jocelyne Saab
© Charbel Saade
Source Alain Truong

After the funeral service at Père Lachaise Crematorium her funerary urn will be moved in Beirut this following week :

Une messe aura lieu le lundi 21 janvier 2019 à 16h à Beyrouth à l’église Mar Mikhael, rue du Fleuve. Les condoléances seront reçues les lundi 21 et mardi 22 janvier 2019 au salon de l’église de 11h à 18h. (information dans la page Facebook de Jocelyne Saab par son fils Nessim)

On December 18 2018 she was signing Zones de guerre just release out at the MK2 Quai de Loire bookstore. A pictures book extracted from her works along her life. A sort of panoramic biography till her disappearance. The book was produced by Jean-Luc Godard and contains only two texts one by Elias Sanbar and other by Etel Adnan. Published by Les éditions de l’œil.


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